Pengaruh Kepemimpinan kharismatik terhadap Kompetensi Profesiobal Dosen Dalam Menghadapi Era Industrialisasi 4.0

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Saep Saepudin
Yanti Hasbian Setiawati
Nurul Hamidah


The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the professional competence of Al-Ihya Kuningan
University West Java lecturers; implementation of charismatic leadership at Al-Ihya Kuningan University, West
Java, and the influence of charismatic leadership on the professional competence of Al-Ihya Kuningan University
West Java lecturers. The method used is a quantitative research model using simple regression and correlation
analysis. independent variables and one dependent variable that were examined in this study are: (1) charismatic
leadership and (2) professional competence. Using saturated sample techniques and the population of lecturers
at Al-Ihya Kuningan Islamic University, West Java, which amounted to 93 people. The results showed charismatic
leadership had a direct positive effect on professional competence. The more positive charismatic leadership,
professional competence tends to increase. The influence of charismatic leadership (X) on professional
competence (Y) is shown by the equation of a linear regression line that shows meaningful meaning. From the
regression model it can be interpreted that changes in charismatic leadership scores will be followed by changes
in scores on professional competence. The results indicate that charismatic leadership is one of the variables that
constantly and stably contributes to professional competence. Efforts to improve professional competence can
begin with improving charismatic leadership first.


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How to Cite
SaepudinS., SetiawatiY., & HamidahN. (2019). Pengaruh Kepemimpinan kharismatik terhadap Kompetensi Profesiobal Dosen Dalam Menghadapi Era Industrialisasi 4.0. Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah, 1(1), 1-34.