Esensi Makna Mitsaqon Ghaliza Terhadap Upaya Membentuk Keluarga Sakinah Dalam Al-Qur’an:  Tafsir QS An-Nisa 4: 21

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Ismaiel Khasan


Marriage in Islam recognizes the sentence mitsaqon ghaliza in the Qur'an, which is a very heavy agreement, therefore it must be obeyed by every couple who has entered into a marriage. In family life, Muslims must make religion the foundation and basis for pursuing a life together, religion becomes a guide and guides in various problems of family life in order to create a sakinah family and become part of maintaining a sacred, strong, and sturdy bond in the household. 

Keywords: mitsaqon ghaliza, religion, sakinah family


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How to Cite
KhasanI. (2023). Esensi Makna Mitsaqon Ghaliza Terhadap Upaya Membentuk Keluarga Sakinah Dalam Al-Qur’an:. As-Syar’i: Jurnal Bimbingan & Konseling Keluarga, 5(3), 724-736.