Pengaruh Promosi dan Religiuitas terhadap Minat Masyarakat Menabung di Bank Syariah: Studi Kasus Masyarakat Desa Kalong Sawah Bogor

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Herawati Herawati
Evinovita Evinovita
Sukarna Sukarna


The purpose of this study was to determine whether people's interest in saving in Islamic banks, to determine whether promotion affects people's interest in saving in Islamic banks, and to find out whether religiosity affects people's interest in saving at Islamic banks. The data collection method was carried out through a questionnaire distributed to the community of Kp Kalong Sari, Kalong Sawah Village. Samples were taken as many as 50 respondents with a purposive sanpling technique. The data obtained were then processed using SPSS Version 21. The analysis included the reliability test, validity test, classical assumption test through the Ttest, Ftest test, and the coefficient of determinant (R2). The results of the Ttest test showed that promotion partially had a positive and significant effect on the community interest in Kp Kalong Sari, Kalong Sawah Village, amounting to 39.2%. The Ftest test shows that religiosity simultaneously has a significant effect on the interest of the Kalong Sari community in Kalong Sawah Village with an effect of 60.8%.


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HerawatiH., EvinovitaE., & SukarnaS. (2020). Pengaruh Promosi dan Religiuitas terhadap Minat Masyarakat Menabung di Bank Syariah:. El-Mal: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi & Bisnis Islam, 2(1), 89-109.