Analisis Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Mustahik Melalui Program Bebas Riba Tanggung Renteng di Baznas Kota Tebing Tinggi

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Lisa Chintiya Tambunan
Sri Sudiarti
Nursantri Yanti


This study aims to find out how the economic empowerment of mustahik in productive zakat, infaq and shadaqoh through the Riba Free and Joint Responsibility program at Baznas Tebing Tinggi City. This research used descriptive qualitative research. Data collection methods used are observation, interviews and documentation. The interviews conducted were in-dapt in nature and to test the validity of the data from the field the researchers used a triangulation technique. The economic empowerment of mustahik through the Riba Free and Joint Responsibility program is a form of distribution of productive Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqoh. The Riba Free and Joint Responsibility program is distributed in the form of cash loans given to mustahik in accordance with the micro business they have and this program is distributed to mustahik with a joint or group responsibility system and without the slightest interest in return. The distribution pattern for the Riba Free and Joint Responsibility program is submitting an application, file inspection and survey, the loan decision, disbursement of funds, loan repayments. In distributing it, the Tebing Tinggi City Baznas also carries out coaching, mentoring and supervision activities, this is done in order to achieve maximum effectiveness in empowering mustahik's economy. The impact on the mustahik economy is also quite significant, where the mustahik recipients of the Riba-Free Joint Responsibility program experience an increase in income and development in their micro businesses and of course this creates an increase in welfare. However, on the other hand, there are obstacles faced by the Tebing Tinggi City Baznas in distributing the Riba Free program, where the Tebing Tinggi City Baznas is still experiencing a lack of funds and limited Human Resources (HR) and equipment.

Keywords: Economic Empowerment; Mustahik; Riba-free and Joint Responsibility program


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How to Cite
TambunanL., SudiartiS., & YantiN. (2023). Analisis Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Mustahik Melalui Program Bebas Riba Tanggung Renteng di Baznas Kota Tebing Tinggi. El-Mal: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi & Bisnis Islam, 4(5), 1510-1521.