Hubungan Bimbingan Perkawinan Pranikah dengan Tingginya Angka Penceraian:  Studi Analisis terhadap Pelaksanaan Bimbingan Perkawinan Pranikah di KUA Medan Timur

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Nur Ilmi Ilmi
Ilham Syahjalil
Aufa Chairani
Nurintan Nurintan
Farros Zaki
Abdul Wahab Rangkuti
Indun Theresia



The decision number of the Director General of Islamic Guidance Long term 2018 on the Execution of Early Marriage Mentoring plans to both Diminish the Quantity of Separations and Make a Cheerful and Tranquil Family. However, the annual divorce rate in Medan continues to rise. In accordance with the Director General of Islamic Guidance's decision No. 379 of 2018 in the KUA of Medan, as well as the results of carrying out early advice in light of the decision made by the chief general of Islamic Direction No. 379 in 2018 to decrease the divorce rate in Medan. Qualitative (empirical) field research was used in this study. The study came to the conclusion that premarital counseling isn't as effective as it should be; Instead, many married couples take a marriage certificate course. It was thought that couples who wanted to get married needed to show a proof certificate to get premarital counseling. Additionally, only the authority to provide premarital counseling and mediation services to couples filing for divorce with the Religious Court ought to be granted by the government to KUA.

Keywords: Divorce, KUA, premarital counseling, and Medan


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How to Cite
IlmiN. I., SyahjalilI., ChairaniA., NurintanN., ZakiF., RangkutiA. W., & TheresiaI. (2023). Hubungan Bimbingan Perkawinan Pranikah dengan Tingginya Angka Penceraian: . Mimbar Kampus: Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Agama Islam, 22(1), 295-300.