Tarbiatuna: Journal of Islamic Education Studies https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna <p><strong>Tarbiatuna:&nbsp; Journal of&nbsp;&nbsp; Islamic Education Studies </strong>is &nbsp;a journal published in the Study Program of Department of Islamic Education,&nbsp; Faculty of Tarbiyah,&nbsp; &nbsp;Islamic Institute of Laa Roiba Bogor. This journal is published twice a year in April and Oktober. Furthermore, this journal is published in two versions, namely print and online. The Journal focuses on issues found in the field of Islamic Education, both as material objects and or as formal objects. The Journal kindly invites scientists, scholars, professionals, and researchers in the disciplines of Islamic education in the form of the contribution with articles to be published and disseminated through: the selection mechanism of the article, criticized by reviewer, and the editing process. P-ISSN&nbsp;<a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1604909520">2775-3387</a>&nbsp;E-ISSN&nbsp;<a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1614000685">2775-7250..</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;This journal is accredited by&nbsp;<a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IsUUw5aoiqqFwS-899uY5CxGlA7wx7FS/view?usp=sharing"><strong>Sinta 5</strong></a>&nbsp;based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology&nbsp;<a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uV-_8jkgwzbwQTUAxu7qU3n_7SF9_1hB/view?usp=sharing">No. 0385/E5.3/KI.02.00/20221</a>&nbsp;(page 101) starting from Vol 1 No 1 2021 to Vol 5 No 2 2025.&nbsp;&nbsp;The Jurnal published three times a year every March, July and November.</p> PKP Pusat Jurnal LPPM IAi Nasional Laaroiba en-US Tarbiatuna: Journal of Islamic Education Studies 2775-3387 Filsafat Materialisme Karl Marx (Epistimologi Dialectical And Historical Materiali) https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6325 <p><em>With the premise that the production and distribution of products and services is vital to aid people in growing their life, this article examines Karl Marx's historical materialism and its methodology. Economic considerations serve as the foundation of human existence, while the concrete problems of human awareness in the fields of science, philosophy, ideology, and religion serve as the superstructure, according to him. According to Marx, society's superstructure is defined by its economic foundation.&nbsp; Marx argued that the struggle between social classes was the driving force behind all major historical shifts. Marx posits a social hierarchy in which the capitalist bourgeoisie and the working class proletariat are the two main social groups. Thus, rather than people, social class is a product of historical development that dictates how events unfold. A class revolution is inevitable given the presence of these two social strata. Religion is the opium of the masses, according to Marx; the more one devotes oneself to religion, the more lost he will become. Religion does not create man, but rather, Marx argues that humans create religion</em></p> Hening Purwati Parlan Herwina Bahar ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-21 2024-03-21 4 2 415 428 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6325 Konsep Tarbiyah, Ta’lim, dan Tadris dalam Al-Qur’an https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6326 <p><em>The problem in this research is the discovery of errors in interpreting the concepts of tarbiyah, ta'lim and tadris in the world of education. The Al-Quran explains the many meanings of these tarbiyah, ta'lim and tadris. The aim of this research is to discuss the meaning of the concepts of tarbiyah, ta'lim and tadris contained in the Al-Qur'an in order to provide a very relevant understanding. The theories used are the concepts of tarbiyah, ta'lim and tadris. Data collection for this research used qualitative methods which were carried out by means of literature studies taken from several tafsir books, journals and other sources relevant to the topic. The results of this research are that the tarbiyah concept is aimed at an educator to teach step by step following one process after another. This concept term is often used in the world of undergraduate education. The concept of ta'lim itself tends to provide knowledge at an adult level or in other terms, knowledge transfer. This concept is often used in study groups. Meanwhile, the concept of ta'lim is often used in formal education, as this concept involves students, an educator is only a guide and director. </em></p> Muhammad Irfansyah Siregar Radhinal Abdullah Asnil Aidah Ritonga Mohammad Al Farabi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-21 2024-03-21 4 2 429 – 438 429 – 438 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6326 Bullying Melalui Media Sosial Sebagai Tantangan Akhlak Masyarakat Modern: Analisis Q.S Al Hujurat: 11 https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6327 <p><em>This article is entitled bullying through social media as a challenge to the morals of modern society (analysis of Q.s Al Hujurat: 11). This research aims to find out the phenomenon of bullying on social media as a challenge to the morals of modern society, to find out Q.S Al-Hujurat: 11 as the basis for the prohibition of bullying, to find out the definition of bullying, to find out the basic factors behind the motives of bullying perpetrators, to find out the solution to Bullying Islamic perspective. After the data is analyzed, the research results show that bullying is when a group of people repeatedly act aggressively towards one person.&nbsp; Allah forbids this act in Q.s al-Hujurat: 11. This verse explains the prohibition of making fun of, insulting, mocking and demeaning, especially among believers and not calling with bad titles. The solution to bullying in the perspective of the Qur'an is good prejudice, muhasabah, calling with good calls, repentance.</em></p> Putri Halimaini K Pangulu Abdul Karim ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-21 2024-03-21 4 2 439 – 448 439 – 448 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6327 Konsep Pendidikan Akhlak: Perspektif Al-Qur’an https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6328 <p><em>The Qur’an, as the holy book of Muslims, has provided complete guidance on moral education. However, many people feel the need to question and understand more deeply how moral education is taught in the Koran and how it is relevant to the current context of life. Moral education is to form people who are faithful, devout, have noble character, are advanced and independent so that they have high spiritual resilience and are able to adapt to the dynamics of societal development. In the article, the focus is on the verses about moral education in QS Luqman verses 12-19; QS Al Hujurat verses 11-13; An Nur verse 31; QS Al Ahzab verse 59</em></p> Putri Halimaini K Asnil Aidah Ritonga Mohammad Al Farabi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-21 2024-03-21 4 2 449 – 461 449 – 461 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6328 Pendidikan Inklusi dalam Al-Qur’an Q.S Abasa Ayat 1-11 https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6329 <p><em>The background is that education is a basic need for every human being, but some individuals do not receive appropriate education. Children who appear with physical differences, abilities and attitudes that are different from humans in general are often discriminated against in the education system. Building an attitude of tolerance will be effective through inclusive education in schools. The concept of inclusive education in Islamic teachings is found in the Al-Quran, which explains that humans on this earth were created with various races, ethnicities, nationalities, genders, religions and different abilities to know, appreciate and respect regardless of existing differences. In this scientific work, the researcher used the library research method by exploring various references related to the topic of discussion, namely analysis of the concept of inclusive education in the Al-Quran, Surah Abasa verses 1-11. By understanding the value of the concept of inclusive education in the Koran, you can build an attitude of social tolerance regardless of differences. Where equitable education can enable all children to have the opportunity to participate fully in regular activities regardless of any abnormalities.</em></p> Ade Ifah Ummi Nadrah Nasution Asni Aidah Ritonga Mohammad Al Farabi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-21 2024-03-21 4 2 462 – 473 462 – 473 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6329 Sejarah Perkembangan Filsafat dan Sains pada Zaman Yunani https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6330 <p><em>Ancient Greece was an important milestone in the history of the development of philosophy and science. This article will summarize the historical development of these two fields in Greece. In the 6th to 4th centuries BC, an intellectual culture grew in Greece known as the Classical Age. This research uses a library approach (library research). According to Mushtofa et al. (2020) bibliography research is research carried out in order to obtain information data obtained from various written sources. This research shows that the development of science in Ancient Greece and beyond was driven by the spirit of understanding the philosophy of humanism. The philosophy of humanism teaches that humans have the ability to regulate themselves and the universe around them. This belief has been present since ancient Greece and has been one of the main factors in the evolution of human thinking about nature.</em></p> Ibnu Alwi Jarkasih Hrp Salminawati Salminawati Ade Ilfah Ummi Nadrah Nasution ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-21 2024-03-21 4 2 474 – 485 474 – 485 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6330 Kewajiban Menuntut Ilmu dalam Hadits https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6331 <p><em>Seeking knowledge is a necessity that cannot be denied, especially if it is related to one's obligations as a servant of Allah shubhanahu wataala. If we do not understand our obligations as servants. how can we find happiness and security in this world and the hereafter. The research method used by researchers is Library Research, namely studying and searching for information through scientific works, journals, articles, theses, etc. related to related titles. This research resulted that in the book of Sunan Ibnu Majah number 224, this Hadith explains the law of seeking knowledge for every Muslim, male and female, which has been narrated by Imam Ibnu Majah and others. However, this hadith was marked as weak by Imam Syuyuti.</em></p> Predi Ari Repi Zulfahmi Lubis Misra Nora Dayantri Sindi Pramita Ummi Nadrah Nasution ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-21 2024-03-21 4 2 486 492 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6331 Menyelasaikan Masalah Kehidupan Sehari-hari dalam Konsep Barisan dan Deret Aritmatika https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6332 <p><em>This research aims to solve everyday life problems using the concept of arithmetic sequences and series. The type of research used is qualitative research. The type of data used is secondary data. Data collection method uses library research. The method for this study uses previous literature studies, books and journals. An arithmetic sequence is a number that has a certain pattern and a fixed difference. while an arithmetic series is the sum of all the numbers in the arithmetic series. The concept of arithmetic sequences and series can be applied in life as a solution to solve everyday life problems.</em></p> Omega Megarani Nurintan Maghfirah Rora Rizky Wandini ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-21 2024-03-21 4 2 493 – 497 493 – 497 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6332 Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Kursus Kader Dakwah (KKD) dalam Meningkatkan Minat Siswa di MAN 2 Model Medan https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6333 <p><em>KKD activities are very important to develop in schools because they can improve their learning experience and help them discover their interests in the religious field. The method in this research is qualitative field. The aim of this research is to describe and analyze KKD extracurriculars in increasing student interest in MAN 2 Model Medan. Adapun metode dalam penelitian ini ialah penelitian kualitatif lapangan yang berlokasi di MAN 2 Model Medan.&nbsp; The results obtained in this research are: 1) The implementation of the KKD extracurricular program in increasing student interest in MAN 2 Medan Model is that the implementation of the KKD extracurricular program is realized by carrying out activities that develop students' religious understanding, communication skills and leadership qualities. 2) The contribution of the KKD extracurricular program in increasing student interest at MAN 2 Model Medan is that it provides opportunities to develop preaching, leadership and social skills, which can increase student interest.</em></p> Neliwati Neliwati Adinda Putri Aulia Jihan Emelia Sari Zakiyah Khairani Pasaribu ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-21 2024-03-21 4 2 498 – 511 498 – 511 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6333 Implementasi Strategi Pembelajaran Inquiry pada Mata Pelajaran Akidah Akhlak di MTs Pondok Pesantren Modern Darul Hikmah TPI Medan https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6334 <p><em>This research aims to involve students directly in the learning process of Class VII students at MTs Islamic Boarding school Modern Darul Hikmah TPI Medan through the application of inquiry-based learning strategies to instill scientific skills and motivate students. This research uses qualitative methods with a phenomenological approach. The data collection methods used were interviews, observation, documentation and group discussions. Class VII students were participants in this research. The data analysis method in this research was carried out from pre-field implementation to completion in the field. Data validation was carried out using source triangulation. The data analysis used uses Hyberman's opinion, namely data reduction activities or making reports from start to finish which selects basic data found in the field, presents the data, reviews incomplete data, and finally draws conclusions. From the results of observations and interviews conducted by the author, it is known that the application of inquiry learning strategies increases students' learning motivation and increases their learning motivation</em></p> Arlina Arlina Ayilzi Putri Nurul Aisyah Alde Rizky Pratama Siregar ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-21 2024-03-21 4 2 512 – 525 512 – 525 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6334 Implementasi Pendekatan Saintifik dalam Pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak di MAS Muallimin Univa Medan https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6335 <p><em>This study aims to assess the effectiveness of the learning process when implementing a scientific approach in teaching Islamic faith and moral conduct at MAS Muallimin UNIVA Medan. The research adopts a qualitative approach with a phenomenological perspective. Data collection methods include observation, interviews, and documentation. Data validation is conducted through source triangulation. The results of the study indicate that the use of a scientific approach in teaching Islamic faith and moral conduct in the classroom enhances students' enthusiasm for learning, as they engage in activities such as observation, questioning, reasoning, experimentation, and communication</em></p> Arlina Arlina Rizka Aida Fitri Aufi Nadra Izzati M. Mahdi Al Fattah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-21 2024-03-21 4 2 526 – 535 526 – 535 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6335 Pola Pendidikan Inkulusif Studi Bagi Anak yang Mengalami Gangguan Komunikasi https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6336 <p><em>Children with disabilities are children who have physical or mental deficiencies and have difficulty communicating in social environments, one of which is in the school environment. This research aims to find out what forms occur between teachers and students with special needs in inclusive schools. In communicating, teachers need to consider the characteristics of students with special needs to be able to determine the appropriate form of communication so that learning objectives can be achieved. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Research was conducted in elementary schools. The research results show that there are several factors that influence the form of teacher communication towards students with special needs. This research focuses on the communication patterns used by teachers in the teaching and learning process of children with disabilities. The diversity of developmental characteristics and obstacles they experience will lead to different communication models that we can present to them in helping them to carry out social interactions. The effectiveness of the communication that occurs with them really depends on the instruments they use to help them communicate with all their limitations.</em></p> Alwi Umar Batubara Nanda Ayuningtyas Rini Amelia Siagian Jumi Laila Nurzannah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-21 2024-03-21 4 2 536 –545 536 –545 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6336 Analisis Aspek-aspek Keberhasilan Pembelajaran di Indonesia: Ditinjau dari Studi Observasi https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6337 <p><em>The importance of this research lies in its contribution to the development of educational policy, the formulation of more effective teaching strategies, and the provision of direction to educational practitioners. By better understanding the factors that influence learning success, it is hoped that this research can become a valuable guide in improving the quality of education in Indonesia so that it meets global demands and prepares future generations optimally. Observational analysis research is a research approach in which researchers make direct observations of certain phenomena or events to gain a deeper understanding. In this context, "observational analysis" refers to the process of analyzing data obtained through direct observation. This method is usually used to explore in-depth information about behavior, interactions, or certain situations in the natural environment. Observational analysis research is often adopted in the fields of psychology, sociology, anthropology and education (Moleong, 2010). Based on the description of the research background related to the analysis of aspects of successful learning in Indonesia through observational studies, it can be concluded that education in Indonesia faces complex and diverse challenges. Several obstacles, such as regional disparities, varying teacher quality, access to technology, and the role of parents in education, provide a context that requires serious attention.</em></p> Deasy Yunita Siregar Lutfi Putri Khairani Sonia Sabilla Yusriani Yusriani Rizki Putri Jasmine Siahaan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-21 2024-03-21 4 2 546 – 554 546 – 554 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6337 Implementasi Strategi Pembelajaran Student Teams Achivement Division (STAD) pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMP Swasta Madani Marindal-1 https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6338 <p><em>This research aims to improve student learning outcomes by applying the Student Teams Achivement Division (STAD) learning strategy to class VIII students at Madani Marindal-1 Private Middle School. This research uses qualitative methods with a phenomenological approach. The data collection methods used were interviews, observation, documentation and group discussions. Class VIII students were participants in this research. The data analysis method in this research was carried out from pre-field implementation to completion in the field. Data validation was carried out using source triangulation. The data analysis used uses Huberman's opinion, namely data reduction activities or making reports from start to finish which selects basic data found in the field, presents the data, examines incomplete data, and finally draws conclusions. From the results of observations and interviews conducted by the author, it is known that the application of the Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) learning strategy increases students' learning motivation.</em></p> Arlina Arlina M. Nuha Hidayat Meida Sari Siregar Yola Anjellia Swanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-21 2024-03-21 4 2 555 – 568 555 – 568 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6338 Peran Guru dalam Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa pada Pembelajaran IPS di Sekolah Dasar https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6339 <p><em>Education is closely related to learning activities. In the entire educational process at school, learning activities are the most basic activities, which means that the success or failure of achieving educational goals depends on the learning process experienced by students as students in each school. In social studies learning, teachers are not only required to provide knowledge to students in mastering concepts related to social life and the environment. More than that, social studies teachers are expected to be able to equip students to make efforts to increase their knowledge. Therefore, thr role of teacher in improve social studies learning in elementary schools are very important to build an advanced generation in the future. he aim of this research is to increase students' interest in learning social studies in elementary schools. This research methodology uses a qualitative approach with the type of research being library research. The results of this research show that the teacher's role in increasing students' interest in learning in social studies subjects includes the use of media, organizing the class and stimulating to create an attitude of student participation in social studies subjects from all the teacher's roles above, that what they do is in accordance with the model participatory learning. There are several factors that support teachers when learning, including: the best possible and effective use of technology, good emotional condition of students, supportive environmental conditions, good quality teachers. And some of the inhibiting factors include a distance learning system that is less effective, technological constraints, namely slow internet network, poor emotional condition</em></p> Al-Fathar Ihsan Fairuz Afifah Kesogihin Fanny Syahfitri Nur Khalizah Tanjung Roro Ayu Angeli Eka Yusnaldi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-21 2024-03-21 4 2 569 – 577 569 – 577 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6339 Mengoptimalkan Pembelajaran Bagi Anak dengan Adhd Melalui Pendekatan Inklusif di Sekolah Dasar https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6340 <p><em>Inclusive education has become a focus of attention in supporting the successful learning of all students, including those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Children with ADHD face special challenges in managing their attention, impulsivity, and energy, requiring appropriate learning approaches. This research aims to investigate and identify the optimal implementation of an inclusive approach in supporting the learning of children with ADHD in elementary schools. Qualitative research methods were used to explore the experiences of educators, school staff, and parents in facing the learning challenges of children with ADHD. The results show that inclusive approaches implemented in elementary schools can play a key role in creating a supportive learning environment for children with ADHD.</em></p> Septy Nurfadhillah Eka Yulyawan Kurniawan Andini Aqmarani Devi Fitriya Emaliah Samhatul Ulyah Melia Gita Andreani Nazwakhairy Putri Syahra Nur Fauziyah Fadhillahwati Pujianti Pujianti Rahma Azzahra Putri Rizkia Dwi Lestari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-22 2024-03-22 4 2 578 – 588 578 – 588 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6340 Peran Masyarakat Lokal dalam Pengelolaan Daya Tarik Wisata Alam Arung Jeram Papulangi Kabupaten Gorontalo Uatar https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6341 <p><em>Currently tourism activities in Indonesia are experiencing rapid development, this can be seen from the various regions in Indonesia developing tourist destinations in their respective regions. In Law Number 10 of 2009 which states that the existence of tourist attractions in an area will be very profitable, including improving people's standard of living, expanding employment opportunities, increasing Regional Original Income (PAD), then increasing love for the environment and preserving nature and local culture. The existence of the tourism sector in a region can have both positive and negative impacts. However, basically it depends on the management and management of tourism played by all stakeholders from government, private sector and community elements in the area. Achieving the goals and mission of good, sustainable and environmentally friendly tourism development will be possible if the achievement process can be carried out through good tourism governance. (good tourism governance). The principle of implementing good tourism governance is the coordination and synchronization of programs between existing stakeholders and the involvement of synergistic (integrated and mutually reinforcing) active participation between the government, private sector or tourism industry and the relevant local communities.</em></p> Muhammad Syahwaldi Afina Sadida Aliyah Aliyah Eprida Siregar Anisah Warda Wijaya Serina Fadia Marsya Friscila Nayla Rahmi Sandyah Ayutrisna Syarifah Widya Puspita Alfi Batrisyah Mawar Sari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-22 2024-03-22 4 2 589 – 602 589 – 602 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6341 Hubungan Antara Kedisiplinan Belajar Dengan Hasil Belajar Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di Kelas VI SD Negeri Nanggerang 01 https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6594 <p><em>This research aims to determine learning discipline in Class VI of SD Negeri Nanggerang 01, to determine learning outcomes in Class VI of SD Negeri Nanggerang 01, to determine the relationship between learning discipline and learning outcomes of Islamic Religious Education subjects in Class VI of SD Negeri Nanggerang 01. This research is quantitative research and this research uses correlational methods. The research results show that student learning discipline data is included in the good category with a percentage of 52%. The research results show that student learning outcomes data is in the high category with a percentage of 81%. There is a positive and significant relationship between learning discipline and learning outcomes in Islamic Religious Education subjects in class VI of SD Negeri Nanggerang 01. This is shown in the magnitude of the correlation of 0.437 with a significant value of 0.000 &lt;0.05, meaning that it shows there is a strong and significant relationship.</em></p> Clariska Rudianas Tiasari Suhendra Suhendra Rusdi Kasman ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-20 2024-05-20 4 2 620 627 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6594 Dampak Implementasi Pengintegrasian Kurikulum Terhadap Mutu Pembelajaran: Analisis Kasus MTs Sains Karimiyyah Kebasen https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6573 <p><em>This research aims to find out how the combination of the Al-Azhar Curriculum with the independent curriculum in an educational institution, especially the impact it has on student intelligence, of course there are several schools that use an integration basis between the two. One of these educational institutions is MTs Ilmu Al-Karimiyyah Kebasen which seeks to discover new innovations in developing new curricula. In this research, a qualitative approach is used, a descriptive type of analysis, which will provide a description of narrative data related to the process of adopting an adaptation model for the integration of the independent curriculum and the Egyptian Al-Azhar curriculum in religious learning activities at MTs Ilmu Al-Karimiyyah Kebasen. The objectives of this research are: a. To analyze how the integration and implementation of the Merdeka curriculum model and the Egyptian Al-Azhar Curriculum are carried out at MTs Ilmu Karamiyyah Kebasen. b. To analyze how to adopt and adapt the two curricula. c) to explain the impact that occurs on students both from inhibiting and supporting factors in implementing the model between the two curricula. The results of this research conclude that the integration model in PAI learning between the Merdeka and Al-Azhar Egyptian curricula takes the form of a merger of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Religion. As well as the supporting factors for this integration, namely the horizontal and vertical coordination of the Kamad and the teachers' council, the Kamad's innovation ideas, the committee in this case completely supports the madrasah in its policy of finding innovation in curriculum development. The inhibiting factor is limited ability to speak Arabic due to limited understanding of language skills and education.</em></p> Tia Mugi Winasih Nur Fuadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-20 2024-05-20 4 2 649 661 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6573 Keluarga Sebagai Pendidikan Utama Bagi Anak dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6612 <p><em>Education is an effort to provide or transfer knowledge to other people systematically and continuously. One of the most important education is family education where parents have an important role in educating and guiding their children on the right path. Family is the first place for children to learn. A child will form a personality and a way of looking at things based on what he sees and learns in the family environment. In Islamic family education, it has been taught systematically and as well as possible, the foundation that can be an example is in the Al-Qur'an in Surah At-Tahrim verse 66, Surah Luqman verse 13, and Surah Thaha verse 132. The research in this article is included in a type of literature research that is library in nature or library research that uses content analysis as a research approach. This article explains the urgency and objectives of family education itself. Apart from that, it provides an explanation of the teaching methods, namely the example method, advice method, question and answer method, discussion method and also the punishment method. The material that parents must provide to their children in family education, namely monotheism or aqidah education, worship education and finally moral education.</em></p> Himatun Aliyah Mukroji Mukroji ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-20 2024-05-20 4 2 662 671 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6612 Kepercayaan Air Suci Kalibacin: Sebuah Kajian Antropologi Budaya dan Agama Masyarakat Banyumas https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6670 <p><em>This research aims to understand Kalibacin holy water beliefs in the cultural and religious context of the Banyumas community. This research was conducted using qualitative methods, which included participant observation, in-depth interviews, and document analysis. The research results show that the Kalibacin holy water belief has long historical roots and is closely related to the culture and religion of the Banyumas people. This belief is believed to have the power to cure disease, provide good luck, and protect from danger. Kalibacin holy water is obtained by performing a special ritual at the Kalibacin spring, which is located in Kalibacin Village, Banyumas District, Banyumas Regency. This ritual is led by a caretaker, who is a descendant of the founder of the Kalibacin spring. The Kalibacin holy water belief has a deep symbolic meaning for the people of Banyumas. Kalibacin holy water is considered an embodiment of purity and supernatural power. This belief also functions as a tool to strengthen social solidarity and cultural identity of the Banyumas people. This research has important implications for understanding the culture and religion of the Banyumas people. This research shows that the Kalibacin holy water belief is an integral part of the lives of the Banyumas people and has an important role in preserving local culture and religion.</em></p> Meti Muji Pangestika M. Slamet Yahya ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-30 2024-05-30 4 2 672 680 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6670 Pemanfaatan PowerPoint dalam Canva pada Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di MI Abdurrahman Kota Bandung https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6917 <p><em>One of the many technology applications that are present in the world of education can be used as learning media in the scope of education is Canva, in the media program there are various graphic designs such as presentations, graphics, posters, and so on. The Canva application can be used through a device or PC. A qualitative approach in research by matching empirical reality with applicable theory using descriptive methods. The qualitative approach also uses research procedures that produce descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from the behavior of the people observed. As for its implementation in the utilization and use of canva at MI Abdurrahman, it has the aim that students can make presentations and have confidence, where the curriculum currently used has a vision to create education that is more flexible, relevant, and in favor of the needs of students.</em></p> Destiawati Destiawati Muhammad Pauji Aripin Iqlima Mutiara Alifah Muhamad Wahyudin Az-Zahra Putri Maulida Hani Hadiyati Pujawardani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-23 2024-06-23 4 2 699 709 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6917 Peran Guru dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani di SD IT Al-Azhar Galang https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6963 <p><em>The role of teachers in improving the quality of physical education learning at SD IT Al-Azhar Galang is very important, including the function as a teacher, guide, motivator, and supervisor who ensures that physical activities run safely and effectively. By using a varied and interesting curriculum, teachers can increase student interest and participation. In addition, providing constructive feedback and teaching sportsmanship values ​​helps in building positive character in students. The quality of physical education at SD IT Al-Azhar Galang is highly dependent on the competence and dedication of teachers in carrying out their roles holistically, which ultimately supports the physical, social, and emotional development of students. </em></p> Tiara Paramita Purba Khairun Nisa Nur Arifa Hasanah Suyono Suyono ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 4 2 744 750 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6963 Presuppositions in The Headline Structures of Skin1004 Selected Products https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6570 <p>The analysis discussed about the presupposition in the headline structures of Skin1004 selected products. The aims of the analysis were to describe the categories of presupposition, and to investigate the functions of presupposition. The source of the data was found in the headline structures of Skin1004 selected products, which collected from Skin1004 Official Shop e-commerce. The analysis research method was applying descriptive qualitative method. The theories of analysis were applying Yule (1996) categories of presupposition theory and Ge (2011) functions of presupposition theory. The results of the discussion were found four categories of presupposition, which consisted with total thirty-five data sources, namely, existential presuppositions, factive presuppositions, lexical presuppositions, and counterfactual presuppositions. Meanwhile the functions of presupposition were found five functions, twenty-one functions of presupposition, namely, conciseness functions, interestingness functions, enlargement functions, emphasis functions, and persuasion functions. In the categories of presupposition contained in the headline structures of Skin1004 selected products were dominated by the lexical presupposition with total twelve data sources found. The functions of presupposition in the headline structures of Skin1004 were dominated by the emphasis functions with total six data sources found. The accumulation of presupposition found in the headline structures of Skin1004 selected products were fifty-six presuppositions. Based on the analysis that have been conducted, the lexical presupposition and emphasis function were closely related, since it described the advantages of the products in implicit method.</p> Luh Gede Dwiana Antika Premaputri Galuh Febri Putra Ni Ketut Widhiarcani Matradewi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-20 2024-05-20 4 2 641 648 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6570 Metode Ummi Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Al-Qur'an di Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Al Ghazali (UNUGHA) Cilacap https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6820 <h1><em>This research aims to analyze the application of the Ummi method in improving the ability to read the Al-Qur'an at UNUGHA Cilacap. The aim is to provide a better understanding of the factors that influence the effectiveness of Al-Qur'an learning in the academic environment, as well as applying the ummi method to improve students' Al-Qur'an reading skills, with a focus on case studies at UNUGHA Cilacap. Through a case study approach, presenting an effective method for improving skills in reciting the Koran through the Ummi method. Reading the Koran proficiently is an important skill for Muslim students. However, many people face difficulties in mastering the correct recitation techniques. This research explores the effectiveness of the Ummi Method—an innovative teaching approach—in developing strong Al-Quran reading skills among students at Al Ghazali State Islamic University, Cilacap. Through the use of a qualitative case study design, we observed Ummi Method classes, interviewed enthusiastic students and dedicated tutors, and examined evaluation results. These findings reveal how the Ummi Method engages students with a fun yet rigorous step-by-step process. By utilizing repetition, an emphasis on clear pronunciation, and a caring learning environment, students gain confidence and improve their skills significantly. Real-life motivational examples from tutors also inspire spiritual and character development. Students appreciate learning at their own pace through this simple yet comprehensive system. The evaluation scores support that the Ummi Method improves the quality of reading, knowledge of Tajwid rules, and love of the Al-Quran. This research provides valuable insights into effective teaching approaches that address the needs of modern Muslim learners. The successful application of the Ummi Method at Al Ghazali State Islamic University Cilacap shows its potential in optimizing academic achievement and also strengthening faith in other educational contexts. This method is based on the rules of tajwid, makharijul letters, gharib, and tartil rules. Recommendations include curriculum improvements and facility support to improve students' ability to read the Koran. Further studies are needed for a deeper understanding. The findings of this research provide valuable insight for the development of effective learning strategies and solutions to overcome the challenges faced by students in studying the Koran.</em></h1> Nisaul Mukaromah Muh Hanif ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-15 2024-06-15 4 2 681 698 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6820 Integrasi Teknologi dalam Pembelajaran PAI Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran di Sdn 1 Kecila https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6930 <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>This research explores the integration of technology in Islamic Education (<em>Pendidikan Agama Islam</em>) learning at SDN 1 Kecila. In the digital era, the use of technology in education has become a necessity, including at the elementary level. This integration has the potential to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of learning by improving concept comprehension, student engagement, and digital skill development. The study aims to identify strategies, benefits, and challenges of technology integration in Islamic Education as well as its practical implications. Constructivist theory suggests that technology can enrich students' interactions with learning materials, while competency-based learning and cooperative learning theories emphasize the development of students' abilities through feedback and collaboration. The results of this study (Odden, 1991, hlm. 76)are expected to provide insights for educational decision-makers in improving the quality of Islamic Education learning in elementary schools. Technology integration is expected to enhance learning quality, student engagement, and material accessibility, as well as support the balanced development of students' spiritual, social, and intellectual competencies.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi integrasi teknologi dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di SDN 1 Kecila. Di era digital, penggunaan teknologi dalam pendidikan telah menjadi suatu kebutuhan, termasuk di tingkat sekolah dasar. Integrasi ini berpotensi meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi pembelajaran dengan memperbaiki pemahaman konsep, keterlibatan siswa, dan pengembangan keterampilan digital. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi strategi, manfaat, dan tantangan integrasi teknologi dalam Pendidikan Agama Islam serta implikasi praktisnya. Teori konstruktivis menunjukkan bahwa teknologi dapat memperkaya interaksi siswa dengan materi pembelajaran, sementara teori pembelajaran berbasis kompetensi dan pembelajaran kooperatif menekankan pengembangan kemampuan siswa melalui umpan balik dan kolaborasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan wawasan bagi para pembuat keputusan pendidikan dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di sekolah dasar. Integrasi teknologi diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran, keterlibatan siswa, dan aksesibilitas materi, serta mendukung pengembangan seimbang kompetensi spiritual, sosial, dan intelektual siswa.</p> <p><br><strong>Keyword:</strong> Technology Integration, Islamic Education, Elementary Education, Constructivism, Competency-Based Learning</p> Yazid Abdul Qadir Jawaz Mr Muh. Hanif ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 4 2 710 722 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6930 Relevansi Pemikiran Pendidikan Abdullah Nashih Ulwan dalam Pendidikan Islam Kontemporer https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6932 <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>This research examines the Islamic education thought of Abdullah Nashih Ulwan, a 20th century educational figure who is influential in the development of contemporary Islamic education. Ulwan offers a holistic concept of education by emphasising the cultivation of tawhid, noble character, balance, and the important role of parents and teachers. The research method used is a literature study by analysing Ulwan's main work, "Tarbiyatul Aulad fil Islam" and other relevant sources. The findings show that despite criticisms, Ulwan's thoughts are still relevant and can be implemented in modern Islamic education by adjusting strategies and methods according to the times. Ulwan emphasized the importance of instilling the values ​​of monotheism, noble morals and balance in children's education from an early age. He recommends effective educational methods, such as example, habituation, advice, educational punishment, and rewards. Apart from that, Ulwan also emphasized the important role of parents and teachers in the child's education process, as well as the importance of physical and social education for children.</em></p> Yumni Febriani Tanjung Yusnidar Gea Azizah Hanum OK ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 4 2 723 735 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6932 Pengaruh Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Terhadap Kesadaran Spiritual Siswa Kelas XI di SMK Pasundan 4 Bandung https://journal.laaroiba.ac.id/index.php/tarbiatuna/article/view/6938 <p><em>This research aims to analyze the influence of Islamic Education learning on the spiritual awareness of 11th-grade students at SMK Pasundan 4 Bandung. The research method used is a qualitative approach with a descriptive qualitative method. Data collection was conducted through interviews with Islamic Education teachers and 11th-grade students. The results of the study indicate that the portrayal of spiritual behavior among students at SMK Pasundan 4 Bandung is still not optimal, with some behaviors lacking discipline, politeness, and honesty. Efforts by Islamic Education teachers to enhance students' spiritual awareness are carried out through planning, implementation, and evaluation of learning by applying Discovery Learning, Project Based Learning, and Problem Based Learning models. The supporting factor for Islamic Education learning is adequate school facilities, while the inhibiting factor is some students who underestimate Islamic Education lessons and often skip classes. The conclusion of this study is that Islamic Education learning has not fully influenced the spiritual awareness of students at SMK Pasundan 4 Bandung. More intensive efforts are needed from teachers and the school to enhance students' spiritual awareness through the habituation of religious activities and exemplary behavior.</em></p> Ilyas Abdul Latif Siti Lutfiani Nurlatifah Dahlan Suci Rahmawati Mustopa Muhsin Muhsin Afrizal Khairurrohman ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 4 2 736 743 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i2.6938