Revitalisasi Peran UIN  Sumut Melalui KKN Mewujudkan Masyarakat  Bermartabat di Desa Kuta Ujung

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Watni Marpaung
Jainul Husni
Satria Akbar Desky
Iqbal Pratama
Riki Pranata



North Sumatra UIN students are demanded to revitalize in order to create a dignified society. Revitalization is an effort to re-vitalize an area or part of a city that was once vital/lived, but then suffered a setback/degradation. So in creating this, UIN North Sumatra students create a work program that guides creating a dignified society, as follows: 1) Overcoming Stunting Problems in Village Communities from House to House to create a Stunting Free Society; 2) Creating a society and not illiterate and illiterate Al-Qur'an; 3) Accompanying legal problems in the village; 4) Provide educational learning education to community cadres in order to create a dignified and integrity society; 5) Provide Islamic insight in the fields of creed, sharia and Sufism; 6) Help build a creative economic community; 7) Accompanying the community's social problems; 8) Engage and assist community agriculture and create a society that is not technologically illiterate; 9) Hold kulibas (a fifteen minute lecture) after maghrib in order to increase religious insight.

 Keywords : Revitalization, Dignity, Overcoming.


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How to Cite
MarpaungW., HusniJ., DeskyS. A., PratamaI., & PranataR. (2022). Revitalisasi Peran UIN  Sumut Melalui KKN Mewujudkan Masyarakat  Bermartabat di Desa Kuta Ujung. Reslaj : Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal, 5(5), 2497-2509.