Model Peningkatan Mutu Layanan Birokrasi Pendidikan di MTs Hidayatus Syibyan Kabupaten Cirebon

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M. Wahib M.H.
Eddy Suharyanto
Ryan Yustian
Iim Wasliman
Yosal Iriantara
Arman Paramansyah


One of the important characteristics of the era of globalization is the high level of competition which covers almost all lines of life, including the world of science and technology. The progress of science and technology has become the basis as well as the spearhead of the development of global information which has led to the birth of a global culture which has had an impact on changing patterns of human behavior. Ideally, these major changes will be able to improve the quality of human resources in all fields. Schools/madrasas are an important part of the national education system. The main problem faced by schools/madrasas in general is related to the quality management of education which includes the 8 National Education Standards. MTs Hidayatus Syibyan Cirebon Regency is an educational institution that has advantages from various aspects and can be used as a quality reference for other schools/madrasas. In this research, school/madrasah quality management will be examined from three national education standards, namely; Content Standards, Process Standards and Educators and Education Personnel Standards.

Keywords: Management, Quality Improvement, School/Madrasah


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How to Cite
M.H.M. W., SuharyantoE., YustianR., WaslimanI., IriantaraY., & ParamansyahA. (2023). Model Peningkatan Mutu Layanan Birokrasi Pendidikan di MTs Hidayatus Syibyan Kabupaten Cirebon. Reslaj : Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal, 5(6), 2774-2784.