Pengelolaan Manajemen Keuangan di SMP Islam Terpadu Permata Gemilang Kota Tangerang Selatan Tinjauan Balance Score-Card  (BSC)

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Misbah Misbah
Muhammad Yunus Rangkuti
Jonisar Jonisar
Iim Wasliman
Eva Dianawati
Arman Paramansyah


The purpose of writing this paper is to provide a descriptive analysis of financial management in educational institutions. which is engaged in non-profit activities also carry out the management process. Educational institutions are required to carry out optimal management processes based on the conception of school-based management (SBM). SBM aims to empower schools in establishing various internal school policies that lead to improving the quality and performance of schools as a whole. Based on data collection carried out at the Permata Gemilang Integrated Islamic School, the school is based on a foundation where most of the sources of income come from foundations, tuition fees and the government, in contrast to state schools which come from BOS. Practically the results of writing this article are expected to be able to provide insight into financial management in private school institutions starting from planning, acting, recording, accountability or monitoring and reporting based on the principles of fairness, efficiency , transparency, and accountability.

 Keywords: national seminar, financial management, educational institution.


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How to Cite
MisbahM., RangkutiM. Y., JonisarJ., WaslimanI., DianawatiE., & ParamansyahA. (2023).  Pengelolaan Manajemen Keuangan di SMP Islam Terpadu Permata Gemilang Kota Tangerang Selatan Tinjauan Balance Score-Card  (BSC). Reslaj : Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal, 5(6), 2808-2819.