Analisis Proses Underwriting pada Produk Kafalah Pembiayaan Surety Bond di PT Penjaminan Jamkrindo Syariah Cabang Medan

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Vega Liana
Yusrizal Yusrizal


The purpose of this study was to determine the Underwriting Process for the Surety Bond Financing Kafalah Product at PT Penjamina Jamkrindo Syariah Medan.This creates a healthy competitive environment between contractors and prevents the emergence of an unfair competition climate, such as monopoly, which may be carried out by principals/contractors with very large sums of money. Equitable regional development across Indonesia may result in a just and successful society, and it is inextricably linked to development projects. In Indonesia, a presidential edict stipulates that any development project procurement must not only satisfy administrative requirements, but also give assurances. PT. Jamkrindo Syariah is one of the insurance businesses that may provide surety bonds. To get a surety bond guarantee, the principal must submit the required papers to PT. Jamkrindo Syariah, which must then go through an underwriting procedure to assess whether the project is feasible. If possible, a policy will be given; otherwise, PT. Jamkrindo Syariah will send the principal a refusal letter.

Keywords : Surety Bond, Underwriting


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How to Cite
LianaV., & YusrizalY. (2022). Analisis Proses Underwriting pada Produk Kafalah Pembiayaan Surety Bond di PT Penjaminan Jamkrindo Syariah Cabang Medan. El-Mal: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi & Bisnis Islam, 4(1), 250-259.