Pengaruh Pembiayaan Musyarakah, Mudharabah dan Murabahah terhadap Laba Bersih pada PT. Bprs Bogor Tegar Beriman 2017-2021

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Nur Fitrianah
Sofian Muhlisin
Sutisna Sutisna


Banking institutions establish institutions whose activities are related to currency to promote trade, one of the bank's business activities is to collect funds from the surplus side and allocate them to the deficit side in the form of credit or financing for investment activities. This study aims to determine the effect of musyarakah, mudharabah and mudharabah financing on net income. The method used by the researcher uses the quantitative method of secondary data obtained from the quarterly financial statements of the BPRS Bogor Tegar Berima 2017-2021 by using classical assumption test analysis, multiple linear tests, hypothesis testing, and coefficient of determination tests.

Research results The results showed that partially musyarakah financing had a positive and significant effect on net income, mudharabah financing had a negative and insignificant effect on net income, and murabahah financing had a positive and insignificant effect on net income. Simultaneous research results between musyarakah, mudharabah and murabahah financing have a positive and significant effect on net income BPRS Bogor Tegar Beriman.


Keywords : Musyarakah Financing, Mudharabah Financing, Murabahah Financing, Net Profit


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How to Cite
FitrianahN., MuhlisinS., & SutisnaS. (2022). Pengaruh Pembiayaan Musyarakah, Mudharabah dan Murabahah terhadap Laba Bersih pada PT. Bprs Bogor Tegar Beriman 2017-2021. El-Mal: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi & Bisnis Islam, 4(2), 342-354.

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