Telaah tentang Poligami dalam Al-Qur’an Analisis Penafsiran Mufasir Kontemporer

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Muhamad Yoga Firdaus
Suryana Alfathah
Eni Zulaiha


This study seeks to elucidate the various perspectives on polygamy held by contemporary interpreters of the Al-Qur'an. This qualitative research method utilizes a literature review and content analysis techniques. This study concludes that Islam does not teach polygamy as a religious practice that undermines justice in the relationship between women and men in the midst of life, as Allah SWT also holds the values of justice in the highest regard. Then, modern interpreters interpret the polygamy verse not only textually, but also contextually, with the common good as the primary objective. Each of these translators has their own ideas. There are those who prohibit it explicitly and those who allow it naturally and gently. This research is anticipated to contribute significantly to the corpus of feminist interpretation. This study presents the discourse on polygamy as interpreted by contemporary interpreters in a straightforward manner. Then, this study suggests that future research examine a more contemporary definition of polygamy in order to reduce misunderstandings regarding the social practice of polygamy.


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FirdausM., AlfathahS., & ZulaihaE. (2022). Telaah tentang Poligami dalam Al-Qur’an. Reslaj : Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal, 5(6), 2702-2709.


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