Kajian Metodologis Kitab Tafsir Fi Zhilalil al-Qur’an Karya Sayyid Qutb

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Muhamad Yoga Firdaus
Eni Zulaiha


Starting from the early days of interpretation and continuing to this day, the dynamics of interpretation in the treasures of the science of interpretation continue to age and develop. In an effort to create comprehensive research that considers various paradigms, various methodologies and approaches are continuously developed. Each book of commentary has a unique approach, and its authors had different goals in mind when writing them. The purpose of this technique is to provide an introduction to the whole process of understanding the material and the purpose of the interpreter. Therefore, it is important to know the method and purpose of a particular book of commentary. Tafsir Fi Zhilalil Qur'an positions itself as an intermediary to always adhere to the teachings of the Qur'an and reject the system of government which he considers far from spiritual values. Sayyid Qutb's Tafsir Fi Zhilalil Qur'an is presented as a response to Muslims who are facing the progress of the times. This is a form of qualitative research conducted through literature study, with content analysis using historical and interpretive approaches. This study aims to explore the methodology and mission of the interpretation of Sayyid Qutb's work, namely Tafsir Fi Zhilalil Qur'an. According to the findings of this study, Tafsir Fi Zhilalil Qur'an Sayyid Qutb is a book of interpretation that uses the source of Bil Ra'yi. The method used is Tahlili, and the pattern used is Adab al-Ijtima'i. Then, in the Tafsir Fi Zhilalil Qur'an there is also an aspect of Manhaj al-Khash. Among them are explaining the verse in detail, presenting the munasabah of the verse, explaining the muqadimah at the beginning of the surah, background, subject matter and asbab nuzul if any and putting the verse or hadith in harmony, emphasizing important things related to human behavior, and explaining the form application of verses in social life (persuasive-provocative, and reflective).


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FirdausM., & ZulaihaE. (2022). Kajian Metodologis Kitab Tafsir Fi Zhilalil al-Qur’an Karya Sayyid Qutb. Reslaj : Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal, 5(6), 2717-2730. https://doi.org/10.47467/reslaj.v5i6.2553


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